Nail Care Tips

Nail Structure
It is important for us to have a basic understanding of our nails in order to have fabulous looking nails. check this out!

Nail Diagram
Free edge
Is an extension of the nail plate.  It overlaps the hyponichium.  This part of the nail can be filed and shaped.

Nail Plate
Visible nail that rests on the nail bed up to the free edge.  This is made up from dead cells (that have been pushed up from the matrix) and minimum amount of moisture. The nail is semi-transparent – allowing the colour of blood supply of the dermis to show through (pinky colour).

Nail Walls
Folds of skin that overlap the sides of the nail.  It holds your nail in place and protects the nail plate edges.

Meeting point for the matrix and nail bed.  Pearly coloured and crescent shaped due to the cells being pushed closely together, the blood capillaries cannot be seen through the lunula because of this.

This is the overlapping epidermis surrounding the nail.  It protects the matrix from invading bacterial (good and bad, pathogens) and physical damage.
Eponychium – base of the nail.
Peronychium – sides of the nail.

The portion of the skin at the end of the finger that is underneath the free edge.

Nail Grooves
Are at the side of the nails upon which the nail moves on and acts as a guideline for the nail to follow.

Nail Bed
Part of the nail that the nail plate rests on, also a continuation of the matrix.  It is abundantly supplied with blood vessels and nerves, having numerous parallel ridges which dovetail exactly with the ridges on the under surface of the nail plate.

The only living reproducing part of the nail, this is situated directly below the cuticle.  New cells form here and continually push towards to produce the nail plate.  It also contains blood vessels and nerves.  Blood supply provides the cells with nourishment.  If the matrix is damaged the nail will grow deformed.

Nail Growth
Interesting facts about nails growth
  • For adults, average nail growth is about 0.02 inches a week (or almost half a millimetre). That works out to 2.3 cm (or 0.9 inches) per year.
  • young people have faster growing nails than oldies
  • Fingernails also grow more during the day, in summer, and among people who live in warmest and sunniest climates. 
  • men has faster growing nails than women
  • Children has the fastest growing nails of all
  • fingernails on the longest fingers (the middle fingers) grow fastest of all
  • the more the hand is used the faster the nail growth (because of a better blood supply) as good health promotes faster fingernail growth
  • Toenails grow between a quarter and half as much as fingernails
How to improve growth rate of your nails?
A healthy diet spells it all! 
1. Chicken Wings
Yesyes, I know this looks sinful! But it contains collagen which is good for healthy nails and skin.

2. Soy Bean products
Contains essential amino acids and minerals (calcium, protein, potassium & magnesium). Soy bean products are very low in calories, and because they are so nutritious, they can be a replacement for beef products. 

3. Eggs
A sunny side up please!!! I need my source of essential amino acids and many vitamins and minerals (Vitamin A, D & E)

1. Grapefruit
These pulpy red flesh contains Vitamin E which smoothes blood and prevents the nails and skin from drying out

2. Strawberries / Kiwi Fruit / Oranges

Contains Vitamin C which encourages collagen production. This has an anti-oxidant effect which helps slow down the ageing process

1. seaweed
They may not be the nicest looking food but trust me, it contains magnesium to help promote good nail and hair growth

2. seafood (sardine and oysters)
Contains zinc which has an anti-oxidant effect which slows down the aging process. All the more to savour this delicious looking platter!

3. Liver and Tuna
Contains iron which helps bring oxygen into the body system, making the system function better

The very fundamentals of beauty. Water is needed for all aspects of beauty. remember to drink water to hydrate the skin, ideally try to drink 2 Liters per day. This will make sure the cuticle does not become dry and flakey.

How to dry nail polish fast
Most of us love to paint our nails but drying it may be a daunting task. If not dried properly, the nail polish may get smudged and all your efforts go in vain. Nail Delour has recognised this issue and would like to share some easy and simple tips on ways to dry the polish quickly.

1. Hair dryer/fan
You may use a hair dryer to dry nail polish quickly. All you have to do is to use the hair dryer on a low power setting and dry nail polish. Make sure to operate the hair dryer carefully, so as to avoid smudging of the nail color, while, holding the device. Even a fan can be used to dry nail polish. 

2. Soaking nails in cold water
Collect some cold water in a bowl just before you apply nail color. Once done with the color, immerse your nails slowly into the water. Keep the fingers immersed in this water for at least two to three minutes. The nail polish will be dry, as you take out the fingers from the water. 

3. Storing nail polish in the refrigerator
Some people keep nail polish inside the refrigerator, and apply it for a fast drying coat. It is said that as compared to nail polish stored in room temperature, those kept in the refrigerator are found to be fast drying. You have to keep the nail color in the refrigerator for about 20 to 30 minutes, and use it immediately after taking out. This method is applicable for regular ones and not the quick dry versions.

4. Nail polish dryer
This device comes in many different types and the expensive ones are found to be more efficient than the regular ones. All you have to do is to paint your nails and put them inside the device and the color will get dry quickly. While, some of them are meant for fingernails only, there are other types that can be used for both finger and toenails. Some of the high end versions use UV rays for drying nail polish. 

Now that you have a fair idea about how to dry your nail polish fast, you may try out the different styles of nail polish/nail art by Nail Delour. =)

Nails Revealing your health?

Believe it or not! The condition of your nails may offer clues to your general health. Illness can cause changes in your nails that your doctor can use to develop diagnose.
Below are a few nail disorders:
1) Beau's lines

Beau's lines are indentations that run across your nails. It can appear when growth at the matrix (nail root) is disturbed by severe illness such as heart attack, measles, or pneumonia

2) Clubbing

As shown in the pictures, clubbing is when your fingertips widen and becomes round while the nails curve around your fingertips. This is caused by enlargement in connective tissues as compensation for a chronic lack of oxygen. Lung disease is present in 80% of people who have clubbed fingers

3) Half-and-Half

For Half-and-Half nails, look for an arc of brownish discoloration. It may appear in a small percentage of people who have kidney disorder.

4) Onycholysis

The nail separates from the nail bed. Most of the time, it is associated with physical injury (trauma), psoriases, drug reactions, fungal disease or contact dermatitis from using nail hardeners. Sometimes onychoylsis can relate to an over or under-active thyroid gland, iron deficiency or syphilis

5) Spoon Nails

Spoon nails are soft nails that look scooped out. Depression is usually large enough to hold a drop of liquid. This condition often indicated iron deficiency

6) Terry's Nails

The nail looks opaque and white but the nail tip has a dark pink to brown band. This can be symptom of cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, adult-onset diabetes, cancer or aging.